What if, following the 2020 Climate Summit held in Glasgow, Scotland made a pact to go emissions free by 2025? I based my project in Glasgow following the initiation of the GlasGoesGreen movement in which Glasgow becomes the UK’s first model green city, focussing on how Glasgow City Council would approach the issue of civilian mental health.

Insight: Climate Anxiety is a growing issue and according to psychologists and supported by my research, is most prominent in young adults. As climate change progresses, so too will associated mental health issues. How could this be channelled into pro-environmental behaviour before it results in a climate anxiety epidemic?

Building a Future Vision: To develop the future context in which I was designing, I examined current trends and phenomena before projecting them into the future - what are the unintended consequences and how could they shape future societal and cultural structures? This helped me to envision the GlasGoesGreen movement and its impact on local citizens.

Contextual Queues: Visualising news headlines, advertising and information of the GlasGoesGreen movement.

Outcome: Residents of the model Green City get a Glasgow Guardian badge upon gaining citizenship. It tracks their environmental actions, earning them citizen points and encouraging positive behaviour to reduce feelings of climate anxiety, particularly in young adults.